Friday, December 28, 2007


Poop, poop, and more poop. I honestly don't think I have ever dealt with so much poop in my life. Toddler poop, preschooler poop, kitty poop. Today I even sang a song about poop -- totally made up and silly but fun to sing. Just don't ask me to repeat it because I don't remember it.

While S is very well potty-trained, she still needs some "help" finishing up. E, of course, is still in diapers. (However, he is already requesting to sit on the potty! How cool is that?) I don't even want to talk about Willoughby right now. (He managed to get out of the basement while we were gone during Christmas, but he couldn't get himself back in. Guess where his litter box was.)

To top it all off, we took the kids for complete physicals and testing at the international adoption clinic through Columbus Children's Hospital, and so we are now having to collect stool samples -- poop in a tube. Oh, the joy of scraping toxic waste from a diaper or out of a potty! We even have a special trashcan in the garage just for the disposal of all the poopiness in its various forms.

I guess it sounds like we are having an extraordinary amount of poo around here, but it is really just the result of going from one child who no longer needs help in such ways to now having 2 children who do -- plus a cat with issues.

Well, that the poop, I mean, scoop from here. Time for bed. Mumblerrr out.


LISA said...

At least you don't have a POOPY attitude about it!!LOL!
Lisa :)

Stacie said...

Oh, poop! Poo is my nemesis. It wakes babies up from naps, smells up the room, and is just yucky. Not to mention the time one of the dogs thought it would be fun to chew up a poopy diaper. Talk about gross...