Tuesday, December 23, 2008

a rant for my single friends

Being 2 days before Christmas, I had planned on writing a holiday post -- basically one that tells you how I've turned into a big scrooge over the years. (Can it all just be over???) But, I was just over on and found an interesting article that made me change my focus. Maybe I'll rant about Christmas tomorrow or another day.

Anyway, this article was about surrogacy. And single men.

Let me say that I have nothing against surrogacy. Just another path to parenthood, and I'm all for doing what works for you to get there. I'm not even against single men using surrogates. Good for them! This particular article profiled a single gay man who used a surrogate twice to produce his two daughters. Fabulous!

So what is my issue? Here's my issue. I have single friends who cannot adopt (or have to endure more difficulties with adopting) simply because they are single. We have all these kids out there needing homes, and we have states, countries and agencies declaring that singles need not apply. (Some do it just to avoid the possibility of gays adopting.) So why don't these singles consider using a surrogate like our friend in the cnn article?

Because it costs around 100 freakin' thousand dollars!!

So, here's the deal: If you are rich and have a hundred freakin' thousand dollars for a surrogate, no one will stop you. No one will protest. No one will put an initiative on the ballot for your fellow citizens to decide your fate. (Ok, this one they might, but we're dealing with the almighty dollar here.) No one will say boo. Just do it. But if you are a single man or woman, gay or straight -- but especially a man and gay -- good lord, we just don't know if we should trust you with the task of raising a child who needs a parent. Let's not even acknowledge the fact that singles of both genders and sexuality prove their ability to raise their biological children everyday.

The stupidity of it all drives mad.

Ok, rant over.

ho ho ho.


Don't Mess With Mommy said...

Children needs parents. period.

Jill said...

And laying in an orphanage staring at a dirt wall your entire life has to be worse than being stuck with a single parent. Gasp!

Thank you!

Annie said...

thanks for the defending the single parent! we love your "rants".

happy new year!