Sunday, December 20, 2009

dec 26

About a week before Halloween, I went to Meijer to get some remaining necessities for the big day. Things like costumes and glitter spray. Ya know, important stuff. Weird, though. Halloween stuff was dwindling and Christmas doodads were sprouting right next to it. I think that's when my holiday depression set in, and my desire for December 26 took hold. Believe it or not, not everyone loves this time of year. Some even dread it.

You see, I used to have a ton of time for the season. Once upon a time, I was a student and then an adjunct, and I was done with adult responsibilities at the beginning of December. There was nothing I had to do but revel in all the holiday goodness and cheer. Then I got a real job. And kids. Who the hell has time to shop, send cards, bake cookies, decorate, party, and be happy all at the same time?? Screw it.

Then I start thinking about what all of it is really supposed to mean. It's supposed to be Jesus' birthday, right? Well, it's not. Ok, but we'll pretend it is. Can you imagine what He must think? Why the hell are these people buying flat screen tvs and wiis for my birthday? Why are they stressing themselves out and making each other unhappy? Why are they getting drunk at their office parties and having sex in the coat room with Jane from Purchasing? Why are they making a big freakin' deal about people saying "Happy Holidays?" -- more on that in a moment. As a society, we have taken this one-day holiday and blown it into way more than I think He would ever want it to be. I mean, think about how much our economy depends on how much we BUY this time of year. Should a holiday celebrating the savior of a certain religion be based on commerce?? How f'd up is that?? And it seems to get worse and worse every year because we let it.

So, yeah, not a fan. And while I won't for the moment go into whatever religion label I do or don't attach to myself, I am very conscious of the fact that not everyone is a Christian and not all Christians find this time of year to be a happy one. If you know I celebrate it, and you wish me a Merry Christmas, then that is very nice of you! If you think I might be Jewish, and you wish me a Happy Hanukkah, fabulous! Happy Hanukkah to you, too! If you just aren't sure what brand of brainwash I might be sniffin' and want to say, "Happy Holidays" just to be safe, I will wish you the same and mentally thank you for being sensitive to something you don't know. Because quite honestly, I really doubt Jesus cares what greetings we bestow upon our neighbors as long as it is said with sincerity and kindness. I mean, somehow I doubt he is sitting on his Son of God throne and saying, "C'mon people. I am "Jesus the CHRIST" not "Jesus the HOLIDAY! Get it right!" (Hey, wait a minute -- maybe THAT is what the "H" stands for!)

You know those WWJD bracelets that were popular for awhile? I think they are awesome. Just wish people would actually stop and think about what Jesus WOULD actually do, say and think and try to emulate that.

So, as I claw my way through one more season where Jesus is supposedly the reason but nobody really acts like it, I am going to keep a low profile and hopefully re-emerge on Dec 26 with a new attitude and a sense of survival.

Happy Merry.


Jill said...

So glad you are back! Love your blog background.

Christmas - Bah Humbug! I actually love Christmas for all the wrong commercial reasons. But I can only get half-motivated. Mine is the only house on the street not decorated outside. I love holiday baking but I limit it to those cookies that come in the slab. You know, some things are just too much effort.

Momma C said...

Fabulous post- Good to have you back. Hopefully someday we will meet in real life

(hikinglorax from RQ- way back in the "waiting for China days")

gigglechirp said...

yay! great stuff. crackin' up here!

With ya on several points, yet I thoroughly enjoy this season for what it means to me: renewal, giving, togetherness, fun.

Sometimes I want to scream at the passive aggressive "Jesus is the reason for the season" language. I want to say, Yeah, it may be true for you, but not everyone! I have visions of Jesus with his hands in the air saying "seriously? dudes, I wasn't born on the 25th and why all the hate with hijacking a pagan holiday? am I not worthy of my own frappin' day with no controversy and hatred hostile takeover business intertwined in it, people? Yo Dad, your peeps are annoying me!"

Why is it so hard for people to understand that saying Happy Holidays is simply a measure of respect? Try being Jewish I want to shout. Imagine the bombardment of being told Merry Christmas repeatedly when one doesn't celebrate Christmas. It's so dang snotty and self-centered rather than Jesus-centered. for the love!

This war on christmas nonsense makes me crazy, too! It is so ugly and snobby and unlike the Jesus I read about and conduct a strange relationship with...LOL... christian privilege is just lovely. Be Jesus already whiners and undo panty wad, geesh! So chill already..It is impossible to take Christ out of Christmas if living it, correct or no?

Same argument re prayer in schools -- there is prayer in school if there is prayer in the home. bring it already..It really is possible to respect the constitution and have prayer in school by living the prayer....duh? shit, just live it already, people.

I enjoyed your post tremendously. Obviously it has me rambling.

welcome back friend! hearts! And, with that, I hope you have joyous moments these next few days with letting go of all the external BS and looking into the light of the beautiful faces before ya.