Tuesday, February 5, 2008

mumblerrr update

News you can use. Well, not really. But, hey, maybe it will entertain you and help you feel better about your own existence in this world.

1. It's still potty time -- sort of. E has lost some of his enthusiasm for sitting on the potty. He still does it, and he still goes, but we're not getting informed of the need. That's ok. Having been through the trials of potty training a very reluctant child, I am THRILLED that he already knows what a potty is, how to use it, and isn't scared of it. Once the desire for big-boy undies hits, we're good.

2. S is in a tough spot being our "medium" child. (J came up with "medium" and I kind of like it. There tends to be such negativity connected to "middle" child, so we're going to say she's "medium".) You see, it is hard to know whether it is better to be like the cool big brother who gets to ride on a school bus or to be like the little brother who gets so much attention because he's the baby. During the day, I catch her saying things to E like, "Stop copying me!" and "E is a crybaby!" Hmmm. . . wonder where she learned that??? Then, the next thing I know she is babbling baby talk and showing me the food in her mouth. I guess when you are the rose between two sunflowers, it is hard to find the place where you can blossom in the light. Fortunately, since she is the only rose, I'm sure she will bloom into her own despite being medium.

3. We cleared up the, um, intestinal ickies that, um caused, um, such a poopin' problem. Apparently we were lucky -- only took one round of meds and they didn't share it. Can't tell you how much this has improved all of our lives. And by the way, have to say, Luvs diapers hold their own (and a whole lot more!) when compared to the industry leaders, Pampers and Huggies. Any diaper that can hold in what E required it to hold in while dealing with those ickies gets a ringing endorsement from the Mumblerrr. Pampers and Huggies did a great job too, but Luvs tend to be cheaper.

4. When we came home 2.5 months ago, we knew that the kids would want to touch everything. It was constant with the tv and the remotes. Well, S got over all that a long time ago, and she knows not to touch. E, however, cannot keep his little fingers off the buttons in the house. The tv is his favorite, along with the vcr and dvd player. When he can, he will run into the laundry room and hit the button on the washing machine. (It makes such a wonderful chiming sound!) Clock radios are another favorite, and do remember to keep all cell phones and remote controls out of his reach.

5. J requested another little brother. Yeah. Me thinks not.

6. Sleep. Yeah, I would like some of that. S is sleeping through the night as long as E doesn't wake her up. E generally tends to wake up once a night, and I have had a heck of a time getting him to sleep deep enough to lay him back down in his crib. Fortunately, he is now willing to sleep in our bed, so we are getting more sleep. Except for last night. He's got a horrendous cough, and he felt the need to toss and turn -- on me. Eventually, though, he conked out. Oh, and then he fell out of the bed. (M had already left for work.) Don't worry -- he landed on a pillow and barely woke up. (E, not M.) No harm, no foul. Hey, at least he didn't fall out of a bunkbed or have a top bunk fall on him. (Ask M about that childhood story!)

I'm sure there are more tidbits to share, but my sleep-deprived brain has run out of tales.

Upcoming program note: I plan to do a post on adopting sibs and one on adopting toddlers/preschoolers. I know that there are people out there wanting/needing the scoop on such endeavors.

Have a Super Tuesday!


Jennifer and Ty said...

A post on siblings would be most informative! We are planning on adopting sibs and would LOVE to hear all you have to say!