Sunday, March 9, 2008

"I Can't Put My Arms Down!"

BLIZZARD!! Yeah, sort of. We got a lot of snow, but I'm not sure I would really classify it as a blizzard. Would have been a great day to snuggle on the couch, watch a good movie and drink something hot. Did the Mumblerrr clan do that? Heck, no! When you have 3 kids and a ton of snow the last thing you do is snuggle on the couch.

We crammed each child into some long johns, snow pants, hats, gloves, and coats and tossed them in the nearest snow bank. Ok, not really. Actually, M went out and shoveled our deck in order to prevent a possible collapse -- just in case. In the process, he created Mt. Mumblerrr -- a snow-packed slope down the steps of the deck into the yard. In a word, it was awesome. When you live in the flatlands of central Ohio, any change in elevation is notable and appreciated. Using our cheap plastic orange sled with a rope that M and J bought on clearance when we lived in St. Louis, the kids went flying down our man-made hill with wreckless abandon. Yeah, mom and dad did, too. Not only did everyone have a blast in the blizzard, but we discovered that the way to get E to stop talking is to take him out in snow that is almost as high as he is tall. From the expression on his face, it looked like he was thinking, "Wow, this is soooo not Africa."

Of course, we did not stay outside all day. The rest of the day was essentially dedicated to two things: laundry and the discovery of J's room. Well, I guess it was more like discovering his floor, his table, his shelf, his bed. . . Everytime I walked in there, it looked like Legoland had exploded and a craft store had come to the rescue. Legos covered his floor and scraps of construction paper were everywhere. Markers, glue sticks, scissors, and other art supplies were crammed in with some toys under his computer table. We got to work by assigning ourselves one project at a time. He was amazed at some of the treasures we uncovered, and I was amazed at how much he let me throw away. I don't want to say J is a pack-rat, but J is a pack rat.
As for the laundry, well, that's a never-ending story, so I won't even start.

Sunday involved more sledding down Mt. Mumblerrr and a continuation of the laundry (yeah, it really never stops.) Have learned that school is closed on Monday for J, so say a few prayers for me as I play one-on-three defense while M is at work. Hey! Maybe we'll still have some of those snow banks! Let's put on those snowpants, kids. Good thing M brought home a box of brownies today.


LISA said...

Sounds like a fun weekend.No snowman?