Tuesday, March 18, 2008

one less equals bizarro

On Friday evening, I uttered these words: "It's weird to have only 2 kids."

That night we met up with our good friend Jen who lives in Cincy and sent her home with J for the weekend. She had fun things planned (like Harry Potter camp!) and J was looking forward to his one-on-one time with his Aunt Jen. After they left and M and I walked around the outlet mall with just S and E, it seemed so strange and we missed J immediately. I think it told us a lot about how our family has changed.

On Saturday, I left the munchkins with M and headed to Hilliard for what amounted to a huge garage sale by CMOTC -- an organization of mothers to multiples. Since S seemed to suddenly grow out of her clothes overnight, I was feeling a little desperate for some 4T duds. I missed the "power hour" from 8-9, which meant I missed all of the really good stuff. (I passed all the other shoppers walking out with it as I was walking in.) Still, for $50 I took home a huge bag filled with shirts, pants, dresses, jumpers, and pjs. S enjoyed trying on every single piece and modeling it all in front of the mirror -- oh, she is SUCH a girl!

After shopping, I went to the library BY MYSELF and then I got my hair cut. No. I got my hair chopped off. Aaaaahhhh! Free at last!

Then, that night we took them to a local Mexican restaurant, and it was . . . interesting. The kids LOVED the food, and E sucked down two cups of milk. Then threw up. On M. Lovely. We then went home, cleaned him up and put them both to bed. That gave mom and dad some time to themselves for a little rest, relaxation and . . . and . . .taxes. Nothing like a little Turbo Tax to fire up your Saturday night.

Sunday finally arrived and we traveled to pick up J. All the bickering, name-calling, and "stop copying off of me" returned, but that was ok because things no longer felt strange, like someone was missing. Weird, huh?


Stacie said...

Sounds like a nice weekend - even though J was missing. (I want to go to Harry Potter camp!) Micah loves Mexican food too - we used to go every Saturday night - he is a favorite at our local.

I want to see the new hairdo! Show us pictures!! :)

LISA said...

I bet the kids missed arguing with each other!Just like mom and dad missed hearing it!(a little bit,i'm sure!)
Now, let's see the new doo!!