Tuesday, August 26, 2008

potty like it's 1999

pee pee on the potty!
pee pee on the potty!
pee pee pee p-pee pee pee!

Everybody sing!

Doesn't every house have a peeing on the potty song?

So, we've been doing the whole pull-up thing with E for several months now. He has no fear of the potty, knows exactly what it is for, and is willing to use it for that purpose. #1? No problem! #2? No problem! Telling us when? Problem.

We had many successful days of dry pull-ups and even dry diapers in the morning. We also had many soakin' wet days. People often say that pull-ups are bad for the potty training process because it still functions like a diaper for the child and, therefore, they have no incentive for using the potty. No warm stream running down their legs or puddling in their little pants. Ew. Yeah, yeah, makes sense. But you know the other problem? Parents. It is soooo easy not to worry about getting your child on the potty in regular intervals because, hey, he's got super-dee-duper absorbant space-age tissue next to his tushie keeping it dry.

So this weekend we went out and bought a couple of packs of toddler underwear -- Cars underwear. No Scooby Doo in his size. No better motivator for the parents then having to clean up little boy pee. Sunday was day 1. We had 2 accidents. Monday we had 2 accidents. One of them he was nice enough to dribble from the living room window all the way into the kitchen.

J has joined the effort by making E a sticker chart and giving him stickers to put on for every successful potty trip. What a cool big brother!

Right now, at this moment, E is filling himself up with "purple wah" -- greatly diluted grape juice. Now he wants to sit on me. Lucky me.

I just love potty training.


gigglechirp said...

oh what I have to look forward to!

Best wishes with the potty songs and all. Certainly there has never been a cuter kid in Cars undies!

And, I want a big brother like J. Don't need a potty chart, but I sure would like a cool big brother!

hi to all!

Don't Mess With Mommy said...

Maybe you could put the underpants on first, then the pull-ups. Kid feels warm & squishy pee, but no parent clean up. I used to do this with Nater, especially when we went out during potty training and I didn't want to have to clean up the car, the grocery cart, friend's floor, etc etc etc

Decade 4.0 said...

That's a fabulous idea! We'll try that on Sunday when we are in the car for a couple of hours!
Thanks for the tip!!