Tuesday, September 4, 2007

presenting miss abigail

Our newest niece has finally arrived. I guess I shouldn't say "finally" because she came a little earlier than expected but still full term. Little Miss Abigail decided that she wanted to enter this world on Sept. 2, which just happened to be the birthday of her late grandmother. Little Miss Abigail also decided she did not want to turn upside down, so she tried to make her grand entrance ass first. As most know, that is not a good idea. So, when her mama (M's sister and my seester-in-law) started having contractions, and the doctor decided that, yes, the baby was attempting to be birthed, a c-section was in order. And then, Voila!, here she is! All 6 pounds of her! Welcome to the World, Baby Girl! (title of a Fanny Flagg book.)

Ok, so for all of you out there paying attention, let's look at some numbers.

On M's side of the family, there are now 6 grandchildren. 2 boys, 4 girls. (btw, J is not pleased with the gender imbalance!)

On C's side of the family, there are 13 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren. So far I can still name them all, but I can't tell you their birthdays.

In addition to Miss Abigail's birth, I would also like to congratulate my student, Abdou, on the birth of his first child. Abdou had to wait patiently to hear word from his wife in Dakar, Senegal about the arrival of their son, Abdoulaye, named after Abdou's late father.

Yea for babies!!