Thursday, September 27, 2007

retail therapy

I'm not a big shopper. Every so often I get the urge. If I wait a few moments the urge passes, and then shopping returns to being a chore.

Well, one thing I have been looking forward to since we got our referral is going out and shopping for my daughter. Now, I have to say that I am not one who has always had this longing to go out and buy pink frilly dresses and shiny clicky-clacky shoes. I didn't dream about the day that I could wander out of the boy world of Star Wars pajamas and into that of Strawberry Shortcake underwear. Actually, I really didn't mind not having to go into all that is lavender and pink. But something happens when they call you and tell you that you have a little girl. And when you see picture after picture of her wearing a prized pink coat that she seems to never want to take off, well, that changes everything. Everything changes when you realize that you will soon bring home a little girl and you have nothing in her closet to dress her in.

So it had to be done. I went shopping.
Here's what I got:

8 pairs of pants
7 shirts
5 sweaters
8 fleece shirts
5 dresses
6 pairs of socks
1 set of pajamas
1 pair of overalls
1 sweatshirt (her first OSU sweatshirt!)
1 warm jacket
1 winter coat (I'm sure it is waaay too big.)
1 raincoat (incredibly cute)
1 pair of snow boots

Grand total for all of the above?? (drum roll please. . . )

$64.38 Yep. Sixty-four dollars and thirty-eight cents.

(This total does not include the underwear and additional socks purchased separately.)

Still need to get some shoes, but I don't know her shoe size. Also need hat and gloves, some undershirts, and at least one more set of pj's or nightgown. But hey, I'm making progress. Also still need to do a bit for little brother, but he's got hand-me-downs from big brother so the situation is not as desperate. Shopping for someone you haven't met yet can be really hard, but when it is for your new daughter it can be so much fun.

Somehow, though, I imagine that "fun" is going to change a bit once she's home and wanting to go shopping herself. Yikes!


Jill said...

I never really got into the pink stuff either until I found Old navy's pink and chocolate line of clothes--makes pink gorgeous. I swear my daughter is going to have 10 times more clothes than I for me is a chore, shopping for her is a blast!

LISA said...

I love pink on little girls. I really love the pink and brown line. Happy shopping!

Stacie said...

OOOH - I got chills about her pink coat! You are so right about that - she always had that on! :) I can't wait for the day to go girl shopping (yep, still want a girl someday!), but I'm having fun with the boy stuff for now. :)