Monday, September 24, 2007

school daze, school daze . . .

So the Fall Quarter just started last week, and I am teaching my usual ESL composition class. The twenty available spots filled up fairly quickly, and that always gives me a great advantage: Turning students away. Yes, I know that sounds mean, but when you have to correct the essays and tests of 20 non-native speakers, the work gets a bit tedious. I used to be really wimpy and sign everybody in -- I was such a pushover. Now, however, I am really good at firmly saying "no" and not getting suckered by sob stories. ("Please please please! I really need to get into this class because I have to work in the afternoons and I can only get childcare in the mornings and I'll lose all my financial aid and I really really need this class and. . .and. . .and")

As usual, the first day of class was a hectic one, parking was atrocious, and nothing really seemed to go as planned. Then, of course, I had that one student come up to me at the end of class and admit that she wasn't actually signed into my class, and could I please sign her in?? I started with my standard firm response, and she countered with a story about time/childcare/work conflict. I don't really remember what it was. So, I was weak and I gave in. I took her blue registration form and started signing it, and then asked what country she was from.


Ha! I just smiled and said, "Well, you should have told me that first!"

Since that day, we have had some nice conversations, and she seems excited to help me learn about Addis Ababa. Today she helped me with the pronunciation and meaning of our daughter's name, and we talked about hotels, food and children in Ethiopia. She also asked me why we had chosen Ethiopia. I told her the whole story.

You know, I've always believed that certain people come into your life at certain times for certain reasons. This is a great time for Ekram to come into mine. Now I just have to try to be unbiased when I grade her papers. :)


LISA said...

I LOVE that!! I agree about people coming into our lives.....