Sunday, September 9, 2007

time to embarrass our child

One of the great things about being a parent is that your children provide you with endless hours of entertainment. It makes you wonder what the heck you did to amuse yourself before the wee ones came along. Take this story, for instance. . .

We have finished with dinner, and the hubby and I are still sitting at the table. J has sprinted to the family room -- a room that should probably just be called the Lego room as it usually looks like LegoLand has exploded in there. Anyway, it doesn't take long for our dear son to go running into the bathroom, spitting and sputtering along the way.

Me: "What's wrong?"

My traumatized child: "I found something on the floor that I thought was chocolate, but when I put it in my mouth it was cat poop!" (something brown is smudged on his t-shirt; big tears well up in his eyes.)

Me: "Cat poop! What are you doing picking up things off the floor and sticking them in your mouth?!?"

My still traumatized child: "But I blew on it!" (I think the 5 second rule was waaaayyy expired on that one.)

So, dear hubby takes dear child upstairs to help with the brushing and rinsing, while I did some investigating. Anyone with a cat knows that cat poop is fairly stinky and generally not something you would confuse with chocolate. After doing a quick sweep around the LegoLand family room and finding nothing resembling or smelling like kitty crap, I went into the bathroom. Seeing watery streaks of brown on the sink, I knew that this was not cat poop. Checked the wastebasket and found the offending brown blob, took it out and gave it a whiff. It was a chocolate candy. Probably an old chocolate candy, but definitely chocolate candy.

I took it upstairs to reassure J that it was not kitty poop that he had tasted. There was much relief and laughter by all.

Later, before we all headed up for bed, I took a few minutes to clean out the litter box. "Hey," I called out, " there's a whole bunch of chocolate in kitty's box!"
