Sunday, August 19, 2007

Nah, I don't need no stinkin' freedom of speech

You know, sometimes we really don't think about our rights until one of them gets stomped on, torn up, and thrown in the incinerator. Then, when that happens, we're ready to join the Marines and blow up something.

As many of you know, I had (noticed the past tense of my verb) a bumper sticker that plainly and succinctly expressed a view of mine. It only had 3 words. One was the name of a politician (I was going to write "leader" but I don't think that would be an apt description) and another one of the words was "poopy". I had it on the back window of my car. I used to get flipped off for it, but in recent times I started getting thumbs up and strangers asking me where I got it. (I love it when I'm ahead of the crowd.)

Now, living in the purple state of Ohio means that we have quite a mixture of blue and red. So, I have seen my share of stickers that I disagree with. I would love to go and rip them off the offending car or use a magic marker to correct it in some way, but I don't. First of all, that would be messing with someone else's property, and that is a big no-no. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, this is someone's freedom of speech that we are talking about. We, as Americans, pride ourselves on the fact that you can speak your mind and not have your tongue cut out and nailed to a post. We say things like, "I may not like what you say, but I will fight for your right to say it." We shake our heads in disbelief when we learn of how other governments control the basic freedoms we take for granted here.

So is all of this a bunch of hooey?? Do we really not believe in this stuff? Yeah, it was just a bumper sticker, and, yeah, I know there are those who would say that I should not show such disrespect to the person currently holding the post of leader of the free world (notice once again that I really do not call him a leader here.) But the question is not whether it is right or wrong of me to do so. The question is whether I am allowed to do it. The answer is YES, I AM!! It is my personal opinion of a public figure and I am without a doubt allowed to express that, golly-gosh-darn-it! (When I get mad, the really bad words come out. Again, freedom of speech.)

To the person who felt the need to violate my constitutional right to free speech, I hope you feel incredibly guilt-ridden. And, while you may have hindered my ability to express myself, you have not stopped it. (Yeah, right. Like anyone has ever been able to shut me up -- especially when it comes to expressing my opinion.) A brand new sticker will be on my car soon. here I come.