Wednesday, August 8, 2007

um, where's our dossier??

First off, those who may be curious about the name of our blog should go watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory -- the Johnny Depp version. All will become clear. (Is it blasphemy to admit to liking a new version of a movie more than the original "classic"? My apologies to any movie traditionalists out there.)

Well, checked in with our agency to find our where our paperwork might be. I fedexed our dossier to them on July 24th, and I know they received it on July 26th, but then I heard not a peep. On the one hand, no news is usually good news, but on the other hand I was starting to worry that maybe fedex had actually delivered our dossier to the 7-eleven down the street and our agency had no clue that it had been sent to them. (These are the kinds of irrational fears you tend to have when doing an international adoption. It sounds crazy, but there are some true crazy stories out there!)

So our coordinator, the wonderful Kellie, emailed me today and said she would check with the St. Louis office to see if it had been sent off to D.C. yet. Sounds like it should have been. If it has, then we may be within a week or so of having it shipped off to Ethiopia!! I'll be sure to post a more definite answer when I have it.

Kellie also told me that the interest is growing in Ohio for Ethiopian adoption. I was thrilled to hear that!


Jill said...

Welcome to the blogging world!!! And I love the mention to Charlie and the Chocolate factory (I got it before I read your post--I thought "hey, Johnny Depp!"). The book version is actually uploaded on my MP3 player waiting for me to listen to on the plane--it is my all-time favorite.

Don't feel bad about bugging your SW for info about your dossier. I had major separation anxiety after mine left my hands and I bugged Lindsay every day. Apparently St. Louis doesn't update them at every step so it was necessary for her to keep checking. So bug away!