Thursday, November 29, 2007

so happy together. well, for most of us.

Before I begin the telling of today's episode, I want to share a bit of our first adventure here at home. We've basically been holed up at home, adjusting and getting comfortable. I decided that we were finally ready to venture out today for a short excursion -- a trip to Target and a drive thru the bank. Woo hoo! I think the cold wind was a bit of a surprise to them, but they thought riding in the cart at Target was such a thrill! Once that excitement passed, they just stared at everything like it was a different world. Go figure. Then, when we left, I thought it almost funny that the song on the radio was that "Feed the World" Christmas song -- seemed strange to hear that and have 2 Ethiopian children in my backseat. I guess it would have been even more appropriate if J had been in the car, too.

(Oh, and before I forget, yes, Christy K, we did have an Ermias sighting. What a cutie!)

So, on to the scoop. . .

Monday, November 19, 2007:

After a restless night, we get up and get ready for the day. Not really knowing what we were supposed to do, we left our room to head down to the main dining area. As we walk outside toward the steps, we can see directly into a classroom where a little girl is sitting on a chair. Our little girl. She stares at us and starts walking out the door to us with her little brother following. She seems shy and unsure but still willing to meet us. Little brother starts by giving us a cute smile only to change his mind about that. His reservation kicks in as hers fades away. Just then, Tsegay comes up and takes us all back to our living quarters so that we can have a chance to get to know our kids. For S, this is great! We knew that she had been waiting for us -- even wanting to stay up all night. E, on the other hand, really wanted nothing to do with us. Balloons helped a bit, but he preferred to keep his distance. In a short amount of time we became accustomed to his high pitched expression of discontent and his serious look of disinterest. Stay away from me. I know who you are and I know why you are here, and I'm having none of it. S, on the other hand, couldn't have been happier or more excited if we had come with an extensive wardrobe from Macy's. (She looooves trying on clothes.)

Eventually, we were left alone with our two new kiddos. E warmed up to M but balked at having his diaper changed. Ok, he more than balked; he flat out refused. My attempt was not met with any more acceptance, but he was ready for a nap and was willing to let me hold him for that. (Note this because it will be days before he lets me hold him again.)

In the afternoon, we are treated to a traditional Ethiopian meal and coffee ceremony. It was so much food! Fortunately, our 3 y.o. is well-versed in how to correctly eat Ethiopian food. It was amazing to watch her. I was a little worried when we moved on to the coffee because I'm not much of a coffee drinker -- put lots of chocolate in it and I might be fine. They roasted the coffee beans right in our room and served the coffee in these pretty little cups that might be a quarter of the size of the typical American coffee cup. Maybe. I couldn't finish the first cup. It was delicious but strong, and I knew if I finished my cup that they would give me a second. So, I let M handle the coffee drinking duties for us.

I'll finish out the day later. I have two little stinkers running around.


gigglechirp said...

so happy for you! welcome home and its great to see ya hangin' on those familiar couches with your kiddos!

Jenni and Mamush

LISA said...

I'm so happy to be reading your blog.We are also wanting to adopt a sib group of two. I know I will learn alot from you,and maybe you even got to see our little ones.

Renee said...

so great reading this!! they are both just gorgeous!! (got your blog addy from CHI web- we are in Ethiopia process right now)

Stacie said...

Seeing those couches- makes me heartsick for Ethiopia! And, seeing you two with those two sweet little ones - I'm getting teary from happiness. :)

Oh - and our first excursion was to Target too! It was the day after we got home though - I had no idea what to do with a baby, so I figured we'd go to Target and get the rest of the stuff we needed that I had no idea we needed. :)

Children's Hope International said...

I love your storytelling, both at home and of your travels. Can't wait for the next 'installment'!

Jen N.