Monday, November 19, 2007

We're here!

The kids are WONDERFUL. Our daughter M is a total ham and keeps jibber jabbering to us in Amharic. So cute but we don't understand a word she is saying (except that she does say the name of her big brother!). Our son E is having a tough time with the adjustment but I think we are making progress. Hopefully by Friday he will be more accepting. It will also be easier when we are his only caregivers.

Ethiopia is a totally different world. Went on a tour of the city today and I am amazed we were not in an accident or didn't run someone over. I was feeling a bit ill by the time we made it back. Not looking forward to more driving here.

Communication is sketchy. I don't think we will be able to call/email as often as I would like, but we'll do our best to keep you posted.


Jill said...

So glad you made it!!!! Enjoy every minute of time there but hurry home!

Stacie said...

So good to hear you're there! I hope E warms up over the week - I'm sure he will.

Have a wonderful time!

Annie said...

How exciting! Glad that you're with your babies :) How sweet! Can't wait to hear all the details!

gigglechirp said...

congrats! cannot wait to hear more about your trip!