Friday, October 10, 2008

cellular elimination

Just need to vent a little here. . .

We've all heard of cell phone etiquette, right? Most of it is just basic common sense, and I think most people try to follow the social rules we have established. But, in addition to that, I think we have also stretched those rules a bit and have become more accepting of the way people use their phones. You know, no one really freaks anymore when someone's blackberry starts chiming in the library. Go ahead, talk it up.

But there is one practice I am having a really hard time with. Let me set the scene:

I am at work in a very nice professional building that houses not only the branch of the university I work for but also other businesses and firms. As I walk toward the restroom (ya know where I'm going with this now, right?), I am following a woman from one of those other offices. She is talking on her cell phone.

At first, I thought nothing of it. I don't know what I assumed -- she'd get off the phone? was just going to fix her hair? No. She walks right into a stall and closes the door. As I went into a stall myself, I just stood there in a moment of shock and disgust. Yes, the woman went on to take a pee while talking on her phone, flush the very loud public toilet, and then walk out to barely wash her hands.

Now, I know there is only so much privacy in a public potty, but come on!! Does pissing in the presence of complete strangers have to extend to those they are speaking with on the phone???

Am I just a prude? Out of touch with today's acceptable behavior? Where does Miss Manners stand on this? Sorry, it just makes me go ewwww.


Stephanie said...

I totally agree! It drives me nuts when people are in the bathroom stall talking on the phone.

gigglechirp said...

agreed. ick.