Saturday, October 4, 2008

merry christmas

You know it's Christmas time right? Really. It is. Yes, I know that you haven't picked out your Halloween costume or even bought the candy you plan to pass out. Oh, I am aware that you haven't had your turkey, cranberries and pumpkin pie. So what? Just go walk through your neighborhood big box and see for yourself.

Apparently our economy is so tanked that they can't even wait a few more weeks until we are at least almost done with Halloween like they normally do. No, instead you have to go down one aisle with witches, skeletons, and jack-o-lanterns, and then turn the corner to see santa, sleigh bells, and fake snow. Oh, this helps me remember the reason for the season, as they say. Let me tell you, trying to explain these upcoming holidays to S is hard enough without having them blasted to us all at once. She's already confusing them.

And along these lines can someone explain to me why it is so wrong to wish another person Happy Holidays?? I mean, gee whiz, we've got at least 3 major ones going on at the same time, and that's not even including other religions and minor federal holidays. Whatshisname on the radio declares every year that there is a war on Christmas. Maybe he needs to thank his president's failed economic policies for that. Just a thought.

So, if you are one of those super multi-tasking type of people who needs to do as much as possible in order to feel productive (and I will admit to this occasionally), then this holiday season is for you! Before you know it, we'll celebrate the new year in November!

Happy Hallothanksmas.


gigglechirp said...

and Merry merry jumbled up holiday commercialism to you!!!!

good points!