Tuesday, January 1, 2008

poopy post part 2

You may have read my previous poopy post here. It is filled with lamentations about the amount of poo that we seem to have to deal with lately. Well, that hasn't changed in the past couple of days, BUT we do have some exciting poopy news for you all.

Our 17-month-old son, E, has decided it is time to use the potty. He has been wanting to sit on it like his big sis, and he has been resisting diapers. So, yesterday I went out and bought a little potty seat just to see how he would do. (Or should I say "do-do"? Ha! I crack myself up!) The seat is one of those 3-in-1 deals -- potty seat, potty ring for big potty, and then eventually a step-stool. I could have spent an extra $10 and gotten one with Winnie the POO on it (how appropriate) and I think it played music, but E seems to have enough motivation. I also got a pack of pull-ups just to see if he might find those more appealing than diapers.

Ok, so this morning he sat a couple of time with no results. I had decided on a once-every-hour approach, but he decided it should be more like once-every-twenty minutes. Then, whaaa-laaa!! He went pee-pee in the potty! (Did you know you can make this into a catchy little tune?) So, there was all kinds of excitement -- especially since he was able to still wear the same pull-up.

But wait! There's more! He indicated once more that he needed the potty, so upstairs we went. This time we could sing two songs: Pee-pee in the potty AND poopy in the potty!! Yes!! I couldn't believe it. After what we went through getting J potty-trained, this is a wonderful! Sure, it could just be a novelty to him that doesn't stick, but I am going to run with it. Let's hear it for becoming diaper-free in 2008!

(My apologies to E for the embarrassment this could cause him in his teenage years, but I just had to share my excitement for this accomplishment. Someday he can write embarrassing stuff about me on Facebook or MySpace, and then we can all go on Oprah or Dr. Phil to work out our issues.)



The Journey said...

Wow 17 months thats fantastic, happy new year to your family!

LISA said...

Great job! E is doing the potty dance now!!!