Thursday, October 18, 2007

end of the week mumbles

We have an interesting family gathering planned for the weekend. It's going to be a sad good time.

We're heading to Tiffin, Ohio (Go Berg!!) to celebrate the lives of Aunt Dee and Grandma Herbert. Aunt Dee made her way to the other side a few years ago, but her ashes have yet to be buried. Grandma left us just a few weeks ago, and her ashes will be buried in the same cemetery as Aunt Dee's. So, we will have a somewhat melancholy afternoon.

After that, we are doing some delayed birthday celebrating: Brother-in-law turned 30 in September, M is now 40, and J just became 8. We also have some new family members -- one who is actually here already!

In addition to the many emotions of the day, my Buckeyes are playing Michigan State in the afternoon. Oy! I think I should just ignore the game. Why bring frustration into the emotional mix? (Jen K. don't call me if your spartans win. email is fine.)

Looking forward to some time strolling around Heidelberg on a beautiful fall day and stirring up some memories. (Did I really graduate 14 years ago?!?)

By the way, still waiting for a court date. I did contact our coordinator today to make sure she calls our cell phones and not our home phone -- something I generally recommend to anyone who truly wants to reach us. The home phone isn't connected to an answering machine, and it isn't always answered. It's our way of avoiding pollsters, fundraisers, robo-callers, etc. So, hopefully now I don't have to worry about missing that very important phone call.

Went Halloween shopping with J today. He has been saying for weeks that he wants to be a knight, but then he changed his mind and now doesn't know. We've got 2 more weeks, right? We did manage to buy some candy. Have you noticed how you practically need a home equity loan to buy Halloween candy? -- especially if you live in a large neighborhood with lots of kids. We ran out last year! Yikes! I do love Halloween, though. What other night do you get cute little kids dressed up like pumpkins followed by scary school-aged vampires? Oh, and you just gotta love the almost-teenagers who try to look cool by not really dressing up but still wanting to go around and get candy. Or, better yet, the grown-ups who claim they are getting some for their sick kid at home. Uh huh. I think they should still have to wear a costume.

go buckeyes!
go tribe!
go berg! (hey, they've won at least 2 games this year.)


Stacie said...

YAY! Go Bucks! And, definitely Go Tribe! We're watching the game right now. (Oh, and we do the same thing with our home phone - drives people crazy that we have no answering machine so I'm glad to know we're not the only ones!)