Sunday, October 21, 2007

in through the nose, out through the mouth. . .

. . . in through the nose, out through the mouth. Time to start using those deep breathing exercises. We got the call that we have been waiting for since September, 10. Our court date.

We're scheduled for Oct. 29th. Everybody out there keep your fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes, and any other body part you are capable of crossing, crossed. (If you happen to have a body crossing skill that you would like to share, please do. We won't think you're weird or anything. Promise.)

Anyway, this means that we can plan to travel a few weeks after that and have been told to expect to go either the week of November 18 (week of Thanksgiving) or the following week on the 25th. For those of you keeping score, this means that our kids will be home in time for Christmas!!!! Don't worry, we will not go overboard with presents for them. First of all, that's not our style. (Somewhere along the line, J decided that you should only put 3 wishes on your Christmas list for Santa. I have chosen not to correct this notion.) Second, I think it would really overwhelm them to suddenly be inundated with more things. It will be hard enough for them to adjust to the regular everyday toys and such that we have for them, but I think to then give them a mountain of presents would totally freak them out.

So, now we have to get ourselves ready. I'm trying to kind of keep things in perspective, so I have been reminding myself that even if we get on the plane with just our paperwork, some money, and the clothes on our back, we could survive. Since I plan to pack a tad more than that, I think we'll be fine. This strategy doesn't always take away the paranoia and anxiety of not being prepared, but it can help at times.

We also learned that a few other families have the same court date, so we will probably be part of a small travel group there. That will be nice.

Can. Not. Wait. To. Go.

In through the nose (sniiiifffff) out through the mouth (whooooooo.) Repeating as often as necessary.


Jill said...

I can't imagine your emotions right now. I have finished my "travel shopping" and have actually started to see if things will fit in my giant duffles (diapers take up less room than I thought, bottles a lot more). I'm having mini panic attacks...waiting for the big one to hit. Which will be full force about 10 miles outside Dulles!

Stacie said...

YAY!!! So excited for you guys! I can't wait to see those babies home with their wonderful family!!

Fingers and toes crossed!

Stacie said...

Yay, Yay. So excited for your family. We'll keep everything crossed that we can.